Michelle is the owner and operator of the Russo Neuromuscular Massage Center. She is a graduate of the Bancroft School of Massage Therapy.
Neuromuscular therapy fills a void left by traditional health care by analyzing soft tissue causes of pain. According to recent research approximately 90% of pain symptoms are considered idiopathic, which means there is no known cause. Neuromuscular therapy was developed out of a belief that the cause of many of these symptoms has not been thoroughly investigated. In-depth examination of the patients soft tissue is not being performed. Neuromuscular therapy analyzes and thoroughly explores the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in order to find the root cause of the pain or problem. Restoring proper structure and biomechanics not only alleviates pain, but can positively affect a variety of physiological conditions.
Michelle's areas of massage specialization include: neuromuscular therapy massage, (e.g., patellar syndrome, ITB syndrome, piriformis syndrome, tennis elbow, muscular strain, plantar fasciitis post-rehabilitation, MVA- whiplash, and fibromylagia,), pain management (e.g., arthritis, low back & cervical pain, sciatica, muscular strain), craniosacral therapy, pregnancy massage, teen and geriatric massage, sports massage & stress management (e.g., anxiety, depression, general stress). She views each client from a holistic point of view, which includes physical, emotional, and psychological components. Michelle assesses the body using a structural integration approach and utilizes her knowledge of anatomy and physiology, palpation skills and intuition to effectively address the needs of the client. She may incorporate other modalities and protocols within the treatment session, such as cryotherapy and specific stretching exercises.